Glioma in Firefighters


  • Numerous environmental and occupational exposures have been explored in studies of glioma risk; however—with the exception of ionizing radiation—results have been inconsistent for most factors.

What is new?

  • Advances in laboratory methods and statistical techniques now permit a more accurate evaluation of cancer risk associated with environmental/occupational exposures. In addition, researchers are now able to detect evidence of an exposure (smoking, radiation, chemotherapy, etc) in genetic changes (a molecular signature) seen in some cancer tumors.

Environmental exposure and glioma

  • Our group from the Yale School of Public Health studied the genetic changes in high and low grade glioma tumors from over 1000 persons. Although most changes were associated with the aging process, evidence of exposure to a group of chemicals named haloalkanes (common in flame retardants and products of fire) was seen in some of the glioma tumors.

Firefighters and glioma?

  • The finding of a haloalkane molecular signature in glioma tumors along with a previously suggested association between firefighting and glioma risk in the San Francisco Adult Glioma Study led to a collaboration between researchers at Yale and UCSF to undertake a study specifically in firefighters diagnosed with a glioma.

  • By comparing tumor and blood samples of firefighters and non-firefighters with glioma, we will look to see if there is evidence of an association between firefighter exposure/occupation and glioma risk.

    • Team Members: Paige M Bracci, PhD, Jennie Taylor, MD, PhD, Helen Hansen, Terri Rice, Lucie McCoy, Vincent Cannataro, PhD, Joe Wiemels, PhD, Margaret R Wrensch, PhD, Elizabeth B Claus, MD, PhD In collaboration with Dr. June-Soo Park and funded by the UCSF EaRTH Center Cores (NIEHS P30ES030284), LOGLIO and National Cancer Institute (U2C CA252979/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States).

Join our study?

  • If you have served as a firefighter and have been diagnosed with a glioma, please contact for further information.

Firefighters & Glioma

Research Team